Workshop’s Language: English
This is an on-demand workshop on professional practice for those studying art, design or media at the University of the Arts Bremen and prefer to speak English. The workshop is open to all HfK students and alumni.
This 2-3-day workshop will focus on the basics of professional practice in arts, design and media. One part is dedicated to a cross-check on your CV, your statement and your portfolio. Another one deals with the FQA like „How does pricing work? What about taxes in Germany? What is „KSK“? And what is a „VG“? How do I write an invoice? Where can I find some support or funding?“. We will discuss what it needs to make a living and how to design concepts to develop professional practice and sustainable existence.
May 26, 2019 | 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Bismarckstraße 106, 28203 Bremen
Please bring your CV, statement and portfolio or whatever you have or use to support your applications.
Please bring your computer with Excel installed. Download for free for HfK students from the HfK Portal – Office 365.
June 9, 2019 | 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Bismarckstraße 106, 28203 Bremen
Please bring your homework from Day 1.
Please bring your „Pecha Kucha“.
Please bring a funding program you like.
Send me a mail: Bettina Pelz